Has anybody heard of these degree-awarding colleges???



Just been surfing and came across these two organisations offering degrees and higher degrees. Has anybody heard of them?


I actually find some of the animal courses oddly appealling. Though of course, I'm not sure a certificate from ACSEDU would quite replace a PhD from my own institution....


Warnborough.ie, so it's in Ireland?!?!? Can't believe I've never heard of it... I just had a quick look at the site there and on their 'Quality Assurance' board I did actually recognise the name of someone who came to our college as a visiting lecturer - so he is 'bona fide' at least!!!

Something about it just doesn't inspire confidence though does it?


I bet they are nowhere in the same league as Belford.

(sorry couldn't help myself)


We've been over this before, Belford is not a prestigious as Instantdegrees.com. I know because it took me 10 minutes to fill in the Belford form and only 7 for Instantdegrees.com.


So working as a tutor to help fund my studies would be unlikely to be a prestigous career move then


Arnt you guys talking about these onlnie degree factories. They have special offers on PhDs this time of year: usually I think it's about £19.99 for a PhD, but thats not all, apply know and get you very own set of kitchen knives!!!

Funny story to that effect. There was a bit of bother a few years a go when it was found out that the chief science advisor for the Irish government had got his PhD from an online university! he had also held positions in the EU also.