HELP! endnote+track changes


I'm working towards a very tight deadline and like there is not enough stress, endnote ref in my text kept appearing with weird signs >
I think it has something to do with track changes as well.

what can I do? Is anyone out there?


If it's something to do with track changes you should be able to right-click on it and it will have as options "accept change" and "reject change". If this is the case I wouldn't worry about it because it should go away if you accept all changes.

If it's not that, maybe it's somethign to do with your endnote style. Is it set to your normal one?


Have you got auto format on? During Cite as you write- preferences- check on.



This is a pain in the @$$ !!! My trick (and it's really not very profound) is to turn off track changes while doing anything Endnote-related. I wish MS would come out with a decent referencing system so that there would be better compatibility.