Hi Im new!!!


and my supervsor is driving me mad.....

Though I did know he would, he was my MSc supervisors first boss so I had all the insider information.
He just leaves me to find everything on my own, thinks I shouldnt be doing compulsory intro modules and thinks I dont need a desk and a computer - I should be tied to my lab bench all day!

The lab Im working in is me and another PhD student (2nd year) who hasnt been there in 2 weeks and there was no space for me in there so Ive had to clear my own bench, I have no idea how to order anything and on top of all that my funding was 3 weeks late!!!

Should I give up now???


You should do social sciences instead. Much better. No labs, no benches, just lots of time sitting at home on sofa


er social sciences would be a bit pointless for me

and he has a good reputation in my field


I know this sounds very much like stating the obvious, but you have to decide whether you are passionate enough about your research to put up with your supervisor. If you chose to take this on knowing what you were in for, then you'll probably be able to cope, but it might not be fun. Think about it - you knew what the supervisor was like, a few weeks in and what you heard has been confirmed, what's going to change?