How do I handle my PhD?

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But wait a long do I need to look after my PhD? I hear that some can live as long as 10 years!


My PhD isn't gay, only W2DN's PhD is confused.

Yes I heard about the 10 year thing, very worrying. Lets hope it wont happen to one of us.


How does one explain the worms then?


I have got the ten year thing sorted. I am submitting this month!


Well obviously your confused PhD molested my PhD and gave it worms.


I brought up my PhD up better than that. If you offer proof. I will give my PhD the feminine snip and she won't bother yours again!


Oh, I'm confused now, my PhD is a he.... therefore yours is not gay?


I think you will find that your PhD was a 'she' at the start of this thread


Mine was a 'he' then became a gay 'he' and after the snip will just be a 'she'


I am just a confused owner now


no, if you read the thread properly, you see that mine has always been a he but yours seems to change around.

very bizzare.


I blame the stress cause by the absurd behaviour of my PhD. But on the bright side my PhD found a missing bone. So it is a bit more rounded than before.

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My PhD was run over last night. He was chasing an MPhil across the road when he was hit by a passing car. He is in a bad way, and I reckon he may be put to sleep later this morning, I am really upset because I had become quite attached to him. I wish I had taken out the insurance, but hindsight is a wonderful thing!


Hope you PhD pulls through... Will you get an MPhil from the donated organs though?