How long to wait?


Just a question those of you who are doing PhD's

How long did you wait between interview and being told you were unsucessfull/Sucessfull??

Cause had an interview on tue and was told I would definately know by the end of the week........doesnt look like that has happened....susspense is killing me!! Interview didnt go all that well got asked some difficult questions bout GCSE/Alevel grades!!

Would I look overkeen to call on mon am if havent heard anything?



I had 2 offers at the time. For one of these it took ages, almost a month. But for the other one, I received the answer straight after the interview and the letter arrived within a few days. I guess it all depends on the workload of the academic and admin staff. I wouldn't worry about how it looks. It is your right to call and find out. But as you said, leave it to Monday. Good luck, I hope the result is positive.


WEll for the one i was offered i found out the following week that they wanted me, but then I had to go and visit the sponsors to check that they liked me.

For PhD's I didn't get some didn't bother to tell me at all (which i think is a common thing from what i can gather) Some have taken months, I went to one interview in February and only received a letter from them two weeks ago saying no. So like 404 says it varies from place to place. It can be such an agonising wait. Good luck


I had a variety of things happen with that.. some would email me back and say they were interviewing on a certain date and would contact me if I was shortlisted. Some supervisors asked me to come along for an unofficial interview following me emailing them. Others I recieved a 'Not selected for interview' letter..

So I suppose in my experience there are no set rules it all depends on the structure and organisation of the department.


From my experience with my Mres lamb its normally lack of organisation in most departments!

Sounds like its a common thing then!! I hope they do let me know very rude if they dont!
They were very prompt with interview date (application closed fri an was given a date for interviews on the tue!)
At least can use it as an excuse to have a few glasses of wine....purely for their sedative effects to help me sleep an stop worrying of course!!