How many cups of tea ...


... do you drink per day when you`re working?

I reckon I get through about fifteen, but some of those are herbal ones


one cup of tea, one carton of five alive and maybe a bottle of water


About 8 cups of tea and coffee a day usually but if I'm writing then possibly 10 or more.


WakeCups a good coffee alternative. I have about two cups of WakeCup a day, five cups of tea, two cups of coffee and five herbal teas. Plus maybe six pints of water. If I`m working in the evening I like to drink ginger wine or Tia Maria


That's a lot of fluid Wickid! :oO


Yeah, reckon I drink too much. I think its to do with procrastination



I cant believe how much tea and coffee you guys drink!

I have a cup of tea in the morning (if I'm at my parent's it will be brewed tea with fresh ginger).

I SOMETIMES have a cup of coffee in the afternoon but thought it was a bad habit I was getting into so trying to cut that out.

I drink lots of evian though :)


I don't drink tea at uni but when I get home I drink lots of green tea


I reckon the reason I drink so much is because I`m just writing up at the moment and my desk is right next to the kitchen