How many references


I have my Cycling Proficiency, beat that!

Golfpro - do you mean the Serpentine in Hyde Park by chance?


but you can't swim in the serpentine, can you? surely you would get a disease.


Not if you're full of good bacteria from those yogurt drinks!


No to the Serpentine. I was watching this TV programme presented by Suggs [of madness] called undiscovered London - may have been disappearing London. Anyway, he was talking about these huge pools outdoor swimming pools [Lido’s] in London 100m long. Most we have here is 25metres and its indoors. Apparently London has lots of them.


I did a cycling proficincy test when I started school. The police came and checked all the bikes for faults and gave away lots of cats eyes and then we had to drive around the school yard without hitting anyone. Then you got a certificate and the nice policemen then taught you to stop at red lights.

Later we learned to avoid the nice police men, who would impound your bike and make you walk home if they deemed it unsafe.


I got a cycling proficiency thingy too, did it when I was about 9 or so I remember beinig really stuck on it because they gave me this map of the course to look at overnight the day before the test, and I didn't understand a word of it, and my parents were away on business and couldn't explain it to me. Its a miracle I ever passed My brother failed his though!

Anyway, references.. they were seriously annoying me when I was doing my dissertation. Mainly for the reason that I was told to put them in places where I thought for myself, and was then told to reference where I got that idea from. Not the easiest thing, really.


cycling proficiency (it's early, I can't spell) is like a driving test for cyclists, you learn to signal with your arms, do roundabouts etc they also make you wear hi-vis vests which are hugely embarrasing when you're trying to be a cool 10 year old!


The playground? You guys had it easy - I remember having to cycle up a big hill (well big when I was 8!) Now that's hardcore cycling proficiency


The kid sounds a bit [lot] thick. If you are going to plagerize at least do it well.


Yes, it was me that mentioned it. It seems the world has moved on from simply buying essays over the internet or simply paying someone to write one. Now they put them out to competitive tender. Wow!

I have a bone to pick with O&U. On another post you were suggesting that i was covered in black and white fur and spent all my time chasing birds. I'd like to take issue with the statment - I'm not covered in black and white fur.


Apparently a dude in my department got done for plagiarising in his dissertation last year.. and he had actually taken the library copy of a review, and circled the bits he used in his work...