How many weeks to wait for an interview?


I am an Italian graduate, I applied for a Ph.D. position in U.K. three weeks ago. Do you know how many weeks I have to wait for an interview? How they comunicate you these decisions (call for an interview, admission etc.)? By letter, telephone or by e-mail (too). (My concern is about Italian Postal Service that is not so efficient and often lose mail!!).


In my case I received interview offers 8 to 10 weeks after having send the application... I don't know if it's the standard but in one of the universities the admissions tutor of the department told me that my application was sent to the department only 4 weeks after it had been received by the admissions office of the university! So I think nothing too bad has happened yet to your applications.

I received my interview offers my e-mail, maybe because to the fact that I'm also an international (EU) student.

Of course if you're applying now for a project which starts on (say) 1st October, things may speed up a bit.


Usually by post but there is no set time for them to reply. Why not ask them?


In my experience it varies it can take them a matter of days or a few months.. Best thing to do is either email or give the graduate studies office a call and take it from there.