I am 40 and need a Bachelors Degree….any suggestions?


hi. my experience - here in UK. i started my bacholors when i was 35 in 2001. 3years fulltime. after 2 years break i started my masters in criminology and criminal psychology and finished last year with a merit. im just going through finalising starting my PhD to begin this month. my experience- there are no quiki fast routes. its been a long slog and i still have many years to go on my doctorate which im starting at 42years. the university i did both my degrees in do not accept anyone on their masters without a first degree minimum 2:2. (humannities). id suggest trying the Open University. many universities also offer distance learning degree courses. depending on your field, you may with very hard work complete in 4years! worth it in the end! (fingers crossed)


typing error - humanities not double n! lol..sorry x