i keep crying!


Hi there, I'm in the same boat - in the last 10 weeks... and it's a horribly scary (& exciting!) feeling, but I'd recommend the same as everyone else - try and get in exercise, and breaks. Of course, I'm not always good at keeping to my own advice as last week I didn't manage any exercise and started getting to the stage of not being able to sleep because I was so wired and stressed... I took the weekend off, and feel much better for it. Also, make a plan of how you'll get through the final 10 weeks. I have set myself mini-goals to give myself the self-confidence to know I'll get through the 10 weeks with a thesis. Of course I'm not great at sticking to them (last chapter a couple of weeks late so I'm going to have to cut back on another chapter)... but ticking off my little goals makes me feel better and I feel like I'm progressing, and crying less. Hope you're feeling a little better Good luck!


p.s. I still have 3 chapters to write and it all to edit within 10 weeks... and I wonder how I manage any semblance of calm. But keep reminding yourself it'll all soon be over!!!!!
pps. healthy food supplementing chocolate will probably help too - I believe diet has a major impact on our emotions - so try and cram in those fruit, veggies, and brain food like almonds & oily fish. I've found a few healthy dishes that require minimal preparation time, and always keep a bag full of nuts and seeds on my desk alongside my bottle of whisky & chocolate to keep me going.


How are you feeling phder? I went very stressed last weekend, but more moody. I have 2 tests for jobs on top of a PhD and really can't take my mind off it.


I´m couple of weeks AFTER my Ph.D. defence ("lucky bitch" I hear some of you say ) but I know EXACLTY what you mean. We go through the same thing, INCLUDING the happy end!!
You´re lucky you can cry... Gets some of the stress out.
I consider my thesis like my baby, writing it for little more than half a year, hormones jumping on the walls, extra pounds and the painful delivery. But I´m a happy "mama" now
I dyed my hair blond, cos now I can be as blond as I want, I´m a Ph.D.
It´s so worth it!


thanks for all the great posts - its so good to know that I'm not alone. My dept has no student spirit at all so i often feel very alone going through this journey.
BB - i am going to hold you to that: both of us should definately post here when we have submitted and have a virtual drink!
Pea - thanks for the hug
Sue and Belsarius - i love that you cry too! and i say better in the library than in supervision!
While i know theoretically going to the gym should help, i did used to go everyday but was finding it just too draining, it made me very tired and i couldnt concentrate on work which made me do even less which then made me more stressed! argh!
i did take the weekend off from working which helped enormously as i had a massage, got my hair done, went on a few walks and generally ate more very naughty food. and i havent cried since, although there is always this afternoon......!:P


PhDee - well done, you arent lucky, you will have worked bloody hard and deserved it. congratulations. i love the baby analogy - i can totally relate to that
seabird - i am scared to go near the whisky in case it turns me into some raving alcoholic! i will stick to the chocolate. Have you tried a liquer filled chocolate? it could be like a double whammy for you? xx


Mmmm, liquor filled chocolates sound like a good idea, but I have a feeling I'd eat them all in one go! During undergrad it was jaffa cakes and baileys that got me through exams... now it's a wee dram of whisky when I'm writing late - but only the one, even better if it's accompanied by a wee chunk of 70% chocolate... mmmm!!! Easier to work late when you feel the firey warmth of whisky to help the writing flow (not so much that what you write becomes incomprehensible though). I read today that 70% chocolate is a 'happy' food - lots of tryptophan which is used to make seratonin (happy hormone)... also found in mackerel, quinoa, scrambled egg with smoked salmon, red wine... mmm a veritable feast! Not sure there's anything in whiskey apart from alcohol induced happy warmth


lol seabird - out of the quinoa, mackrel and chocolate i know which i would take!
may well try the jaffa cake/ baileys combo later tonight!


i always cry in the toilet of the lab and then dry the tear and go back again to work. That's life, as we choose. Just chin up and face all of this stuff strongly! If you feel you can not do it, just mean you need a little break but nothing else! I hope you are better now!


Hi Phder,

I've got about a week left to finish up the thesis then 2 weeks to prepare for the viva. I cry sometimes and the only time I get a good night sleep is when I'm holding my fiance like a teddy. Worse still I'm working full time as a lectuer, I've spent the entire holiday working to complete my PhD thesis and bought a house. I've always had doubts about my capabilities, my supervisor says its a lack of confidence. I had a viva a few weeks ago and it went really badly, I was basically a nervous wreck after it and even know talking to my supervisor about the viva makes me shake.

I'm haunted by the terrible feeling that I'm not really good enough and that there are areas of mathmatics which my PhD utalizes which I don't fully understand.

I have found something which does help, they are called "Rescue Remerdies" its a herbal concoction which calms you down or at least takes an edge of the rising panic. If you need further details let me know.




I know how hard self doubt can be BUT if I would work full time as a lecturer, bought a house AND writing my thesis I would be a complete mess and certainly would not stand upright anymore! I think you are achieving a lot there! regarding the mock -viva you had, I know it does not feel good when it goes wrong but their is a saying in drama that the dress rehearsal has to go wrong in order to make the opening night a success! See it like this, you had a chance to realize what can go wrong and you are not going to do it again! And try to be less harsh to yourself - as long as you give your best it is enough!


Ah! Rescue Remedy! That got me through my 'A' Level exams - indeed the entire sixth form. The chemist asked whether I actually needed it. I lied about my age to make sure she gave it to me.


Tigger 908 - i so understand how you feel, i am amazed you have managed to buy a house etc during your PhD - I would have had nervous breakdown I think! Best of Luck for the next few weeks
I took everyones advice and have started going to the gym again and had lots of little days out and it has certainly helped ease the pressure, so for anyone else who keeps crying i would definately recommend it!