information about phd in biotechnology


i'm a M.Sc student from Indian University and want to pursue phd abroad.
I'm really confused about the procedure and universities to apply.


Not a very helpful question - confused about what exactly? Where to apply? What to apply for? What to wear? When to wear it? How to get funding? How to get there? Anyway, I'll stop teasing now..
Funding for a foreign national in a UK uni is scarce and has a LOT of competition. Bench fees are horrific. Unless otherwise stated, finding said funding is your task - consider it a part of the fun PhD process but begin by doing some background reading (ideally on this website).
Courses are offered via this website, just look harder at the "courses offered" bit. A lot od "doing a PhD" is down to you, only you can decide what's best for you and where to do it. Have fun!