Inter-disciplinary Paper (Eng./Bus/Computing)- selecting a journal - any advice helpful!!


Lads and ladies,
If you have any advice on this, it would be appreciated.
Basically, I have given myself a tight deadline, but need to (6 weeks) to get the first draft of a first journal paper together. It is important for various reasons (behind schedule and more importantly, to get s'visor onside - kind of a last chance). Without wasting your time, a quick summation of the paper is ...

An examination of SME (small company's) attitude and capability to collaborate in projects (selecting potential partners and management of projects). This followed a case study of several small companies in a specific region, assessing several areas
> Threats & opp's facing SME's (To give some context)
> Attitude towards supply chain coll (benefits, barriers, elements needed for improved coll.)
> IT capabilities, experience of coll. tools, perceived needs of IT to enable coll.
The case study work was exploratory, it will form the basis of future work. There is a cross-over between the areas of Operations Research, computing and commerce, but basic question is do any of ye have an opinion of possible journals to submit this to? I am sorry for the lack of detail and if any more is needed, I can send a PM. I do know of the use of Impact Factors and that, but ANY advice from people in the same neck of the woods would be appreciated.
