Is it just me who takes ages to read?


Does anyone else feel like it takes them ages to read an article? I take forever reading, writing notes, putting in end note etc. Sometimes they are not totally related to exactly what I'm researching so I know I should be quicker/skip some of it but I don't! Think it's partly procrastinating (putting off writing or deciding what study to do next) and partly not wanting to miss anything important. Feel like I'll never get to the end of this PhD if I don't make quicker progress and spend all my time reading!


Depends on what I'm reading. If I'm really interested in it and it's saying something different to what I've read before, then I can get through it pretty quickly, but otherwise I skim and put it in a pile to look at another day. Also, instead of writing notes, type them into the "notes" section of EndNote - when you run a search, it'll search what you've put in this section - fantastic for quotes


Not at all, it takes a long time for me to get through articles also. It sort of depends what other things I am doing and how related the article is to my work (as you have said).

An academic recently told me about a speed reading course at the Uni and how it was so useful that she is still using some of the strategies now. I am thinking it might be worth trying (for me). Perhaps your uni has something similar.


Reading takes as much time as you got for it;)) If it is the day before the deadline then reading an article takes on avarage 5-7 min (and no important information is lost:) but if you got all the time in the world- well, yes, than it takes ages...


Thanks for your messages guys. A speed reading course sounds like a good idea fluffy. The notes section in end note sounds good too snappyjaws. I often write a few notes here but like to do my longer notes on paper, not sure why! And yeah I agree verdy, probably the reason I'm taking ages has something to do with no looming deadlines! I'm sure I'd work a bit quicker if I did!


It'll take me ages to read as well.
It's quick to LOOK at the words. However, it's more difficult to really understand what a paper is talking about. People tend to complicate things rather than to simplfy them.
Perhaps this is also a language barrier (English is my second language).