Is non-funded PGCE worth it?

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Patseya, have you seen this scheme?

I finished my PhD last year and am now doing a two-year GTP at an FE college in order to get QTLS and probably move into secondary, but if I'd seen this last year I probably would have applied.

Good luck with your search!


Quote From Maccle:
Patseya, have you seen this scheme? I finished my PhD last year and am now doing a two-year GTP at an FE college in order to get QTLS and probably move into secondary, but if I'd seen this last year I probably would have applied. Good luck with your search!

Thanks Maccle. I am aware of this scheme and exploring the possibility of getting on it. It's such a fantastic scheme which should enable me, if I get onto it, to continue with my research and publication plans whilst training to qualify to teach.


You need the teaching qualification if you want to be in schools. Heads have voted no-confidence in Gove's stupid policies such as having non-qualified individuals as teachers.