Maybe some people like to brighten up their day by reading our silly threads or listen to our advice, but don't feel they have anything to add to the conversation, or are embarrassed to do so, or just aren't as addicted as us!

I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with people just coming on here to read, though I admit there has been the odd troll popping up from time to time.

And in the past few weeks we've had a few people who have been reading for a while and have finally done their first post. So welcome! Let's keep this forum friendly enough that even more people feel they want to contribute


changing supervisor!


So you spoke to someone then???

What happened?


Hi driventoinsanity - I feel your pain. Been in the same situation for a year. I've written up my phd and it sits gathering dust as the powers that be won't sign off to send it to an examiner. C'est la vie!


I got really angry and went to the person in charge and said i either i change supervisor or i leave. They had no choice. I dont know who i will have. Confidence is at rock bottom but atleast it can only get better.