Italy looks for postgraduation...


Hallo everybody!*I'm knowing now this great site.. Do you think there can be possiilities for this poor italian student for a postgraduation in a foreign country??? I studied arts&philosophy (degree of 5 years) (with a thesi in semiotics) and I finished a master (of one year)... I will take info, but I wanted to know if someone knew this situation!! :) thank u!


Hi there, I know I am replying 2 years after you put up this post, but I am new (just joined today) and came accross your post as I am studying Italian film and lit and searched Italian as a keyword... was wondering if you ever went on to PhD abroad?
I know that there are many opportunities in the UK and Ireland, some funded, most not! You should probably contact the Universities individually if you are still considering persuing your studies abroad.
In bocca al lupo!