jury service?


just wondering if anyone else has been called for jury service while doing their phd?
I'm not sure what to do, from the info they've sent it doesn't look like I can apply for exemption. They'll only pay you if your employer signs to say you won't be paid for the duration, so unless I stop my funding and "defer" for two weeks then I'll just lose 2 weeks of work at a really busy and stressful time, but if I do defer funding then don't actually sit on the jury I'll be out of pocket for 2 weeks.....
so just wondering if anybody else has done it and how you dealt with it financially and work-wise...?
I would quite like to do the jury service, its just a really bad time!!!


During my undergrad I was sent a letter about doing jury duty. If you want to get out of it, get your supervisor to write a professional looking letter stating that it is impossible to take that time off and it would seriously disrupt your studies.

Worked for me.



Cheers, I'll give that a go! tho it says you'll be called again within 12 months if you defer, but that might be at a better time.