kill myself


well at least it turns out that the only logical decision is to kill myself. 2 years i have been trying for a phd studentship after my master's and yet to get...even this year..i have excellent grades in my basic degree which paved the way for my master funding..but unfortunately the grades in my master's degree was not so good and now im stuck up with no phd studentship.


Kill yourself?! Or maybe try something fun like surfing ...


Should have done some studying then...Bad grades are there for a reason, no?


nice decision dude....


Why don't you get a job and fund a PhD yourself part time? Then kill yourself...........


Sorry to be humourless, but killing yourself isn't really something to be this casual about. The title of you post is quite alarming and might distress people who have been affected by suicide/depression. You might want to talk to someone to get some perspective on things.


Look at the bright side.We'll have one less prospective student to compete with.


Enough with the dramatics I think you should keep trying.


OK. terik. I have the same problem buddy. I agree with everyone here ;), including Andy and Anon. Get a job. Any job will do. You'll be *earning*. Will look good on the CV. How old are you ? 50? No. Then stop whinning. Sit back, plan out the next step and make some practical decisions now. Your logic is just too bad.


And what if just one minute after you kill yourself you get a positive reply for phd...:)


Now that's some optimism ,Ophelia.Cheers!


Maybe terik`s not replying to any of us because he`s dead?


dont pliz.instead just sleep for 3 good years and wake and there you go
Dr terik Bsc,Msc,PhD(sleep)


hi terik. i understand how bad you want a phd, but everything happens for a reason. don't despair. eventually you will get a phd if you really want it. meanwhile live your life. there is much more to life than a, friends, marriage, children, travelling, making money etc...seriously, try to be positive. success in life is not about how many times in life you fall, but how many times you rise. am on my second year trying, no success yet.....and am not killing myself ey.


secondly, publish, publish, publish, it's a cost free process when compared to a phd, and you could get a phd that way..or who knows honorary phd??? it's free painless & there are a lot being given these days. killing yourself...that's accepting failure.