Last checks before submission


Hello all. I'm hoping beyond hope to submit next week - if sup gives final all clear.

I've searched about the forum and can't find a thread that we all hope we'll need one day - the list of last checks before submission.

I'm ok on looking for the usual suspects like typos etc - although how easy is it to miss once you're reading it for the Xth time.

So, what i'm looking for is the 'odd' things that you may not think to check .. the 'you'll never guess what I forgot' stories.

There are two specific questions thought 1 ) do you write the acknowledgements in the first submission ? or do you wait til ( the hoped for ) final version ? 2) stupid question maybe but do you put the date of your first submission on the front or do you leave blank as this is updated later.

Back to reference checking - nightmare :-(

Thanks in advance.



its the first submission of a COMPLETE thesis and that includes acknowledgment and a date. :-) all the best.(up)


Yes, acknowledgements in first submission - my external commented on mine how nice they were!

I would put date on still but then update it as appropriate for final submission.

And even with the best will in the world you'll miss a few typos - irritatingly, I have two in my final bound copy !


Hi. First submission of full draft .ie. the one that goes off to examiners for the dreaded .. v word.

Thanks both, really appreciate the responses.

I'll get composing my acknowledgements then... mmm.. so important.. such a lot to say.

Looks on for Thursday... everything crossed.

Blinking landscape page numbers were a trial - thank God for google.

right back to it.. Chuff