LaTeX command for landscape


hi! I found the lscape command but how do I use it?
I would like to change the page orientation just for a portion of a text to landscape.
Where do I put the lscape and do I use \?
can somebody please send me an example syntax?

love satchi


You have to include \usepackage{lscape} [I have a folder called style.tex, where I have all the packages]

Then wherever you want to do as landscape, you write


Include whatever you want to do in landscape format



hi ailicec
Thanks for your help. I don't know if I have the package lscape, how do I check where?
I am using a downloaded template.

also when I read "..make sure your Latex installation has these packages...."
I'm not sure what "latex installation" means.

when I download the package, where do I install it?
thank you
love satchi


I do not really know how to check. Generally what I do is that I include \usepackage{lscape}, and if it gives me an error it means I do not have it :D

If you do not have it, you need to download the package and put it in a folder within where you have the Latex project (what I have is a folder in the latex folder called packages). You need to download it if you do not have it. Do a google search...gneerally the ctan network comes up


hi ailicec
Yes yes its there :-) I just ran your syntax and it works!!!
thank you so much

could you kindly give me a quick tip how to merge cells in my table?

If one line says 1st treatment, but the next line under "1st treatment" has "pre-" and "post"

something like this:
Subject 1st Treatment 2nd Treatment
Pre Post Pre Post
1 0.51 0.44 0.45 0.46
2 0.43 0.42 0.55 0.47

thanks a lot
love satchi


oops the table is not showing up here the way its supposed to


Sorry, I am not really of any help with tables...I have given up trying to do tables in Latex (never really tried actually). What I do is that I convert them to eps, and insert them as images (taking the lazy way out I imagine)...however I know it is possible to merge cells...but you would need to read up on it...there is something here


I have that link too :-)
just sometimes after reading I become more confused and it is easier when someone is teaching :-)

can I ask you then, how do you convert your table to eps?
I found a webpage recommending Excel2latex, but this doesn't work on a mac.

love satchi


What I do is that I do the table in Microsoft powerpoint
Then from powerpoint I copy to Corel Draw and do export as Eos


I just found out MS powerpoint can save it to JPG or PNG too :-)
I didnt know that.

Thanks for this tip.
love satchi


Completely stupid of me perhaps, but i am wondering, why, any PhD student, with tons of intellectual stuff to do and arguments to sort would want to go through all of this below with LaTex? Isn't MS Word just fine enough? Just a thought...


Phdbug, the main argument for using Latex over Word is if you are using lots of equations it formats it better and a lot nicer. Equation editor in Word is horrendously awful.

However, even if not it still creates a nicer looking document (imho). But I wouldn't perhaps bother if there were no equations involved, to be honest, it is rather "quirky" (for that read, lots of things are quite awkward to do, esepcially keeping figures where you want them!).


Quote From phdbug:

Completely stupid of me perhaps, but i am wondering, why, any PhD student, with tons of intellectual stuff to do and arguments to sort would want to go through all of this below with LaTex?

hi bug, DanB, this is SO TRUE

but the odd thing is I found myself looking forward to latex each time I put in a command etc. and seeing the output.
:-) :-) :-)

love satchi


Yes that's why my husband used LaTex for his computer science PhD thesis. It was absolutely stuffed full of equations and formulae, that Word could barely cope with.


Call me crazy...but I started using LaTex for my 1st degree thesis...loved using it as a challenge...and have used it since...for my masterts thesis and for other documents...and now probably will use it for my PhD...the formatting over all comes really nice...I have now gotten used to most of the commands, so it is not such a big problem...I think the challenge of using it is what got me hooked (Many people call me strange and that is normal :D)