Lost in Lit.land?


hi you guys I need to hear something from others who can remember their first six months and if you ever felt lost in lit.searches and your proposal. I dont know any more if I want to continue with my original ideas as I see so mnay gaps in that. feel that I have wasted time doing aimless things. Help! some guidance and directions please


i feel lost in lit land and I am only 6 weeks in.


I'm scared, I started a month ago and feel like I have done barely anything, I need motivate :'(




yeah, know how you feel although i am 8 months in! I have done everything in reverse though, experiments first, lit review later... finding I want to read EVERYTHING but can't possibly do that, it's difficult thinking what if I miss something...!


H, I feel totally the same way.


guys..you give me so much consolation. i had to hand in my lit review at the beginning of this month and i wrote such a bad 'essay' that i was offered an extention. things haven't improved much since, but....hopefully i will get there. i was beginning to think that i dodn't have what it takes. good to know this is actually normal :).


Its strange but glad to know that feelings are mutual in the land of lit. I felt exactly the same way as jojo about doubting what it takes to do a PhD, but at least I am not the only one.


I had a meeting with my supervisor today and feel much better and totally motivated. I feel I have more of a direction after discussing the project. I also mentioned that having only reading to do can also be de-motivating and now have some coding to do, variety helps a lot!