MA English Literature


I have applied for an MA in English Literature, where the entry requirements stay that 'The MA is open to anyone with an upper second class honours degree in English' (it is at Bristo). I am predicted a good 2.1 and I have two good referneces from my tutors. Is there any reason why they wouldn't accept me? Only I heard that for MA courses it's relatively easy to get on to them, it's the funding that's the issue - is this true? I'm not bothered about funding as I can just about self-fund - but is it reasonable to expect an offer?


If it's really important to you to find out, you could give the department's postgrad secretary a call and see if he/she is prepared to tell you what their applicants: places ratio was last year. That will give you some idea of how competitive that particular MA is. Have you applied anywhere else as a second choice?