Meetings with supervisors


I've just been offered a PhD, but want to check something with the supervisor - how often he meets his students, and whether it's regular or just as and when necessary. Can people reading this let me know how often they meet their supervisors, and how they arrange it, just so I know what to compare his answer to?



it's a PhD in neuropharmacology/neurophysiology, if that helps...


I think it depends on the area itself as well as the supervisor but the earlier you are in your PhD, the more often you should meet your supervisor. I'm supposed to meet my main supervisor every two weeks and both academic supervisors once a month although at the moment I have quite a bit of work to get through before there is any point in having a meeting. So it also depends on where you are with your work.


Well thanks for the replies - I phoned the potential supervisor to check with him about what he does. He said that both supervisors meet with their student formally once a month, where a record of the meeting is taken and filed with the university. However, he usually sees his students most days to check how things are, which suits me just fine. And now I've accepted. Wahey!


Sheffield, same place as I did my undergrad degree, and also where I've been working as a research technician for the past year (as, by the period of applying for PhDs in my final year, I wasn't 100% sure I wanted to do full time research). Great place. Where are you lot?


I applied to Nottingham and got an interview in Biomedical Sciences (Phys and Pharm) but obviously won't be going to that now...


I'm in Sheff too. Working as a research tech at the moment but starting a PhD in Edinburgh/London in October.


Hmmm - 20 minutes after accepting the offer, I got a call from another potential supervisor, asking if I was still interested in his PhD. Bloody awful timing! I said no though...

So which department are you in Gizmo?


I'm in clinical sciences south in the bone biology group.


I'm in Pharmacology on M Floor. For two and half months more. So did you do a degree in Sheffield?


so very gay DanB


Haha - although I'm not the marrying type. Unless you have kids, it's a pretty outdated Christian institution, and I'm a devout atheist. So ner ner :p


oooh, I'm in Sheffield too but I have no idea where Pharmacology or clinical sciences are located


Yep, I did a Bsc in biomedical science at Sheff hallam.


erm, I wouldn't go buying any hats just yet DanB. I have no plans of getting married in the forseable future if i can avoid it!

H, pharmacology and clinical sciences are in the med school, next to the hallamshire hospital.