My Brother Is Writing His Dissertation


So my brother is in the middle of writing the dissertation for his PhD. He is going to be coming out to my place (from 600 miles away) to bunker down and finish writing his dissertation. My question for everyone in this forum is:

If you could write your dissertation in a room with the perfect writing conditions and setup, what would be in that room?

Things I have thought of are things like a small refrigerator with cold drinks, good lighting, energy drinks...

What kinds of things could I put in that room that would be helpful for someone grinding out their dissertation?

Thanks in advance!


good lighting, comfortable desk and chair, and loads of beer

Avatar for Mackem_Beefy

Quote From marasp:
good lighting, comfortable desk and chair, and loads of beer

I like you're thinking Marasp. Emphasis on the beer methinks!!! :-)

Seriously, why don't you ask him what he wants?



(and chocolate too).

If you buy a desk for the room, the desk must be massive. PhD students use / read loads of books at the same time. He will need as much space as possible.


You are such a great sibling to be helping him like this. Your brother is very lucky. I echo what the others say, good lighting, a comfortable desk, and some kind of foot rest. Also I wouldn't encourage the energy drinks, I think they do more harm than good, but a kettle and a selection of teas would be helpful.


To make the room extra special, make sure it has a positive and colourful décor. SpongeBob SquarePants bedding did the trick in my case, as I study from home (effectively, my desk is in my bedroom). I had also printed a large poster for my wall: it said 'I can and I will'.