My Friday thought for the day


Dishwashers - do they actually make people happier?

You have to pack them, empty them, and re-wash about half the things you put in them because they dont do the job properly. They use loads of water, the ecological ones break (apparently), and they leave funny marks on your cutlery.


Exactly. They are a source of disruption. I'm going to petition for their ban outside parliament (may be on the weekend we all meet up in London?!)


I quite like ours *blushes*


No Claudia! They're evil


i agree, amd i'm sure they don't actually reduce the amout of washing up you have to do. certain things have to be hand washed anyway, and glasses and things seem to get watermarks and scratched! grr


I store plastic bags in mine (its never ever been used). Its not even a proper size one, one of those stupid small ones.

Pastic bags are taking over the world, I'm scared :'(


Those bag for Life things are the best though, I always feel so happy taking back one when it's got a hole and getting a shiny new one as a replacement.


The trouble with dishwashers is that by the time you've faffed around loading them (and unloading them) you could have washed them yourself, by hand, making sure their properly clean, only using a fraction of the water and no electricity.

Dishwashers are evil. Tumble driers, on the other hand, are positively heavenly.


I rarely use the dishwasher, I think they are a huge aste of energy and water.. And on the other hand I find washing up therapeutic if i am feeling wound up or something (mmm... maybe I am bit of a freak)

And before anyone asks.. No I wont come round and do yours for you hehe


their, they're, there, Grhhhhh, someone teach me English!


Sorry *hides*

Its not like we use it every day or anything though... honest.

As for a tumble dryer.. no, we don't have one of those. We have a nice green washing line in the garden


I'm scared of tumble dryers, not for the energy, just because someone told me it ruins your clothes (same with fabric conditioner - I may be a little gulible) But.. washer/dryers still amaze me, you put in dirty clothes and you take out clean and dry ones!


We don't have a dishwasher but I am no longer against them. "A comparison of washing up by hand with a domestic dishwasher" can be read here


I never liked those things, tumble dryers are very handy in winter but washing the dishes for me is a time for myself to think, Dont think I would enjoy it though, after a dinner party for 10 :-0


My tumble dryer is a god send, especially in the winter. I don't it ruins clothes, not in my experience anyway although it does beg the question where all the fluff that accumulates in the trap comes from.

I did have a problem with my washing machine a few years ago - it was wearing out the cuffs and collars on my shirts and was putting holes in my T shirt. I realised it was the 1600 RPM spin speed I had it set to. Reduced it to 1200, problem solved.

You see, the forum is full of essential to get you through your PhD and washing machine spin speeds are central to that.

What shall we talk about next? Big box powders vs tablets vs liquid. What do you prefer?