My tooth hurts! Can't work efficiently...


I've been having this unbearable pain for 4 days now. Couldn't get any help from the dental emergency services apart from being sent home with a pack of antibiotics and an "urgent" appointment for a treatment scheduled to 2 weeks later. I keep doing mistakes while working, either because of pain or the amount of pain-killers I've been taking. Has anyone found themselves in this situation? Is there anything one can do in this NHS system and actually get a proper urgent appointment? Thanks.. and sorry to sound boring :-(


I was told that if you ever have serious dental pain and desperately need to be seen that you should blag it abit and say that you are unable to or finding it very painful to close your mouth properly..

If that fails wash down a few paracodol with a few shots of hot brandy.. Wont solve the problem but helps take the pain away (Another classic gem from the oracle that was my gran hehe)


You could suck on a clove, that can work too!


Just walk into your dentist and say you're in great pain. They should at least be able to provide a temporary fix until you get a more formal appointment. This is what I did when one of my teeth effectively collapsed. Man that hurt but they stuck some gummy stuff on it to cover it as a temp measure before I went back for what I call my Darth Vader filling - more metal than human..


There is always bonjella as an aid to pain relief.. I use that when my wisdom teeth are giving me aggro


Oh yeah, do you not have a proper dentist?


Poor 404. I really sympathize I had someting similar last year. Tooth ache, back pain or ear ache is the worst.
The others are right, oil of clove is absolutely brilliant and you can get it in any chemist. Pop a bit on a cotton wool bud and then where it is hurting in your mouth - you'll get a little respite. I rang round all the dentists in my area and found an emergency NHS surgery in London, which I was able to get a same day appointment & had a tooth removed there and then. You really should not have to wait weeks - keep on it. Don't let them palm you off.


Thank you very much for all the replies. I have tried my dentist's emergency system. That enabled me to get an appointment to 2 weeks later instead of end of August apparently. I called Kings College Hospital and they say the only thing they can do is to give me painkillers until the set appointment date. I will call NHS direct again today and see what other options I have. Now I understand why people look miserable when their tooth hurts.


Yeah again I would have said if in Manchester go to dental hospital!
Have been told to disolve soluble asprin in minimal ammount of water and rub on sore/swollen area (but not suitable for asthatics or those with history of stomach ulcers)
Or have heard clove oil very effective but tastes vile!!


I'd just get it done private, have it done the same day. I can't take tooth pain, I'd rather be poor!


I suppose I should give clove oil a chance. Also I'll go to Kings College Hospital and wait there until they see me. They open at 6pm for emergencies, an irony. Just like the emergency services at my old student halls where you had to leave a message to an answering machine, including to report fires


Thank you Gerbil. I've talked to my dentist again (and been to the hospital). Apparently there is nothing I can do apart from wait till my appointment day. She says antibiotics will stop the pain in the next day or two.


Thank you DanB.


How weird.


Very nice I thought