nerves about the viva - advice needed!


i have my viva soon and just wondered if anyone had any relaxation tips for the day of it. I have heard that some people take beta-blocker medication and was wondering if anyone had tried it/ known someone who did or anything similar?
hope you can help - i am shaking already!


Beta blockers are usually precribed for anxiety, they are great for reducing the physical symptoms of stress, i would recommend seeing your GP for a short course.
The best thing i think you can do is talk about how you are feeling to friends/family, take time to play a sport or do something that will completly distract you (if only for a few min!) so you don't dwell on it, and above all, deep breaths, you can do it, you've passed all the biggest hurdles already!


The best thing would be to practice with lots of people. My supervisor suggested asking one person to maybe do 20 pages to get a feel for the level of questionning, and said he's do about 2 practices with me. I'm very shy and this is my weak point. My advisors are quite agressive, and really pulled me apart and reduced my confidence in my yearly meetings. We're going for gentle, "human" examiners so I don't fall to pieces!
Good luck with yours, I've just submitted.


Hi Phder,

in theory you could use a beta blocker, it has an effect on the heart, reducing blood pressure (BP) and pulse rate. When you are nervous the BP and pulse rate go up and especially the quick pounding rate of your heart makes you are aware that you are anxious / nervous. As mentioned a beta blocker can counter balance that. If you are going to use them then it may be best to try them out under similar conditions before the actual viva, as everyone reacts differently. The last thing you want is to feel unwell at the viva as a result of the beta blocker! So do a mock viva before the big day!


great advice - im off to docs on monday! do they prescribe them for things like this do you reckon?


hey there! first of all good luck in ur viva, just relax and let the answers slow, theres no way ul have done ur phd for three years and not know about it, its all in there somewhere! and secondly, my mates boyfriend was prescribed beta blockers by the doctor for his driving test cos he was so nervous so im sure ul get some for ur viva!


I have a presentation coming up soon and am taking passionflower tincture for anxiety. I have just started taking it, so I can't tell if it has worked or not for me. Another commonly prescribed herb is valerian which I hear actually does help to relax. Good luck for your viva, it's really great that you have come this far.