New Course in King's College London


King's College London has opened a new course, China and Globalisation this year, for students preparing for a PhD, or those with career interests related to China.
It offers one year full time or two year part time study in King's. The innovative programme is designed to offer students practical and transferable skills for a research-oriented academic career, entrepreneurship in public services and the private sector including finance and investment, media and publishing, and leadership roles in international organisations and NGOs.
The course offers students a theoretically informed understanding of contemporary China, focusing on the interactions of political, economic and cultural factors for sustainable development. Secondly, the course provides a wide range of optional taught modules drawing on King's-wide expertise, such as War Study (No.1 in Europe), Management, Geography and so on. Furthermore, a well-developed internship scheme with placement opportunities in London and mainland China is available for students to accumulate professional and practical experience.

If want to know more about China and Globalisation course, please see:


Well, thanks for the info. I hope it's free though because otherwise you're using this forum to sell something. In my opinion, that's SPAM. And that's really low for such a noble institution as KCL. I hope the moderators remove this post because if you want to advertise a university course, you should pay. It's only my opinion though. (down)


It's certainly not my job to Judge a thread based on the issue whether somebody has dodged an advertisement fee, but, I found it less time wasting and abusive of the rules than many recent posts with crafted & manipulative wordings and without any meaningful objective. At least, I am not interested in learning about someones erection problems or whether they get a PhD from Belford or Smelford. Sorry to say that, but I am here in this forum only to learn from positive experiences of others. It seems we are running out of wisdom or we are avoiding to share this with everyone else.


I'm sorry we appear to be running out of wisdom, Goodboy. And, right when I'm trying to write up as well. I quite like forums because topics are divided into threads. And on this forum, these threads are labelled according to topics, such as whether they relate to PhD life, funding and general topics. The same stands for Masters students and so forth. It would appear that you have been clicking on the Off Topics threads and involuntarily reading things that you don't want to. You also seem to have inadvertently posted on some of these threads.
Since you can't control the nature of the subjects that people decide to post, that there might be posts that, for whatever reason you might not agree with, the best course of action might be to do what you have done so far: don't read them and don't post on them. If you want to create a wisdom generation and sharing thread, you are free to do so. I'd be very interested in reading such threads. :-)


Quote From goodboy:

I am here in this forum only to learn from positive experiences of others.

Err if that's what all of us were here for I suspect (given how many postings on I'm struggling / giving up / problems with supervisors, requests for journal articles / stats etc there are) that there wouldn't be that many. I'm not sure I want to be in a forum where all there is is people's postive experiences (how smug would that be? and how much more inadequate would I feel?) - I'm learning as much from other people's negative postings (eg that I am no alone struggling with writing, stats, juggling family, full time job and PhD). I thought is was a forum for sharing whatever and giving each other support (and sometimes the off topic stuff in making me smile reminds me that a PhD is not (and never will be) the be all and end all) - I have a life for that. As Wally has said if you don't want to read off topic stuff about health problems or bogus degrees, don't read them, but don't criticise those of us who do.

I am more frustrated by the one posters who only ever post on one topic and it is along the lines of "hey I've heard that people have trouble with X - here's a great website that helps you with X"