No Motivation, No Support, Ready to Quit - Help!


My situation is quite different from others posted. I am an foreigner working on my PhD in Taiwan. Originally I was an licensed educator working at international schools. Burnt out, frustrated with parents and bored with the lack of mental stimulation, I decided to quit and instead focus on studying Mandarin for a year. After my Mandarin was at acceptable levels a friend convinced me that I should apply for a PhD in an up-and-coming field - Technology & Management. With Taiwan being the one of the leading mfgs in technology in the world, I was excited to start possibly a new career, however, I still had a strong urge to teach. After applying, I was accepted and given a generous scholarship. But the only problem was that the program was new and unorganized with only a few instructors. Once I already started the program(after talking with the one professors who had research interests the most similar to mine and agreed to work with me), I was told that what I wanted to study would have to be changed. Luckily, the more I study my new research topic the more I enjoy it, but the problem is I don't have a background in it, in addition to my having limited research method and statistics skills. Now, I am currently looking for a tutor who speaks good English, which shouldn't be difficult since 60% of Taiwanese got their PhDs in the UK, AUS or US, but of course everyone is ridiculously busy with no time. Now 1 1/2 years into the program I am ready to quit. I have an incompetent and non-existent supervisor, I have no support other than from my classmates who are equally clueless. I would quit but I want to teach at the college/university level and stay in this country. Time passes quickly because I am very involved in studying Mandarin, tutoring for extra $ and being involved in my speech club. I have only another 1 1/2 years left of my funding, so I need to get motivated and working. I've bought so many books and try to teach myself, but I burn out quickly teaching myself everything. Oh, I should mention that my supervisor is very nice. He has given me great amounts of fabulous data that I can use (which saves tons of time on my part), and I am currently working on a paper that should definitely get published if I find enough articles for the lit review (which is exhausting given the horrible database I have to work with). Graduating shouldn't be as difficult as previous posts I've read on this site, but how do I get out of this rut???!!! I wish I had a clue or could get a push - HELP! Thanks for your support!


hi foreigntaiwanphd,
I read your post and am a bit confused; but before that let me congratulate you for taking that first BOLD STEP to go to Taiwan and study! I cannot even speak the language of my ancestors properly!!! WeLL DONE!!!

You say that you have a generous scholarship, the more you study your new research topic the more you enjoy it (but no background) and you are looking for a tutor who speaks good English. And your supervisor is very nice (but he is non-existent and quite incompetent, were you referring to the same person?), given you data (without you having to plod around for it) and you are currently working on a paper that should definitely be published! Isn't that great.

What rut do you mean exactly? Do you mean the struggle that you go through trying to teach yourself?

I know its difficult to be in a new field, but I guess if you want to stay in Taiwan you would either have to complete this phd (difficult or not) or try find employment there (what are the immigration regulations for work...) (before you quit this phd!) BUT since you have some good points: good data, publishing paper soon, how about continuing this struggle.

Are you spending too much time in your speech club and tutoring? Perhaps you could also find someone and make arrangements to have this tutoring; and that even includes going home to your own country during a holiday, for example contact people who know this and ask them. Keeo asking and keeo looking.

I am also doing my phd in a different field. So everything is new to me. I had a part time job working 12 hours per week but I gave it up so I could have more rest. Now I feel better because I can sit in the evening and read. Previously I was so tired coming home I couldn't concentrate.

If you still cant find anyone and still stuck in Taiwan with the struggle but happy with learning hua-ye and your part time work, then you have to find a way to make sure you PASS your viva and get that phd.

best of luck


Hi, you seem to have both postive and not so positive aspects to your situation. Although I have only started my PhD 3 months ago, I know what it feels like to burnt out, it happened to me about a year ago. What helped me was to firstly take some time off. Get yourself away even for a few days or week if you can. Get yourself a pen and some paper, write down everything your have on a prioritise and you might have to knock off some of the lowest priority items (harsh but it works out the best for you in the end).

Try to remember why you did the phD in the first place and you are half way through now, I agree with Satchi, find a way to get to the end, as you will see the finish line very soon. I hope that helps.

All the best


Thank you so much for your reply, Satchi. Yes the incompetent and non-existent supervisor is the same person. As for my rut, it's just so difficult teaching myself a new subject, social science research methods and statistics/SPSS all at the same time, while also learning Chinese and not to mention working. I really can't afford to stop work because I'm not very young. As for my future, I want to teach adults and start a consulting business because Taiwan/China is still very hot. However, it's almost impossible to break-in unless you have those three letters after your name in this culture. In addition, I am in a relationship with a local so I want a career that's stable and long-term rather than getting visas and working for English cram schools with below-average pay for the rest of my life. Thank you for your encouragement and I will try to find a tutor.