No one supervises me !


Guys! Hellllllllllllllllllp! It has been more than a year that I am enrolled in a PhD programme ! and my supervisor left me alone for a year! the didn't accept my report! now doesn't answer my emails ! Do you think I can finish this on my own ?


Have you had any contact with your supervisor at all in the past year? I know academics can be scatty and hard to track down at times, but a year is a LONG time!
Have you been contacting your supervisor regularly during this period? What report hasn't been accepted?
I would arrange a meeting with your supervisor ASAP, making contact anyway possible - emailing, ringing and hanging out their office door if necessary.
It isn't possible to do a PhD without a supervisor - their knowledge and guidance is needed and on a purely practical level (at my uni anyway) they have to sign a form to allow you to submit. No signature = no submission.