Non supportive partners


Any tips about coping with your PhD work and not get too depressed when your partner is not supportive and doesn't like the idea of you doing a PhD?


Hmmm, that's something you really need to talk to your partner about. Why don't they like the idea? Is it a serious relationship? This could cause real problems as it will likely get tougher for the both of you when you get to tough parts in your PhD. You should discuss it with them and really get to the root of why they have a problem. x


Get a cat/dog. Always supportive, let you moan at them about your PhD woes and dont moan back, actually happier when you are too busy/poor to go out socialising.


How about slapping them and get the frustation out at the same time.

Works for me


You need to talk to your partner about not being supportive. If he/she loves you then he/she should support you in whatever you do. I couldn't manage without my partner, he lets me moan at him when I'm upset, makes dinner and cups of tea when I'm busy, lets me bounce ideas off him, and helps me with data analysis and other boring tasks (he actually types reams of boring things up for me when I'm too busy to do it myself). I'd be lost without him. You really need a lot of support when doing a PhD, I think you'll struggle if your partner isn't supportive.


Thank you guys. In fact my boyfriend and I live hundreds of miles away from each other now as a result of me moving for my PhD and he moving for a new job. That means I couldn't have his support 24 hours a day anyway, but also that I am not continuously flooded with criticism as I was when I started the process of applying for a PhD in the UK. When he saw that his attitude wouldn't stop me, he changed his attitude a bit but he couldn't help behaving like that again when he visited me in the UK last week (i.e. saying that my research topic is rubbish and things like that).


Well what the hell does he know?! I don't think he knows just how much he is upsetting you. I agree with H, the time has come for a slap! Don't worry, we still love you!


A slap and a kick for being a git.


As H said, 'a slap and a kick for being a git' ... then you should sack him off!!!


I suggest voodoo dolls.... GREAT! ;)