one month into a PhD


Hi all,
Well I started my PhD about a month ago but I'm completely lost! Everything I read makes me even more confused and I feel I have no direction whatsoever. I have 2 supervisors in 2 different departments (and disciplines) and neither of them seem to want to communicate with the other, or me. They're trying something new by using me to intergrate the departments, so i've to come up with a project that will merge them both........but i've got no guidance from anyone! You'd think that being part of 2 departments means double the people to befriend but no, I just dont seem to fit it anywhere cos I dont spend enough time in just the one place. The only person I really associate with is a post doc who seems to be getting very irritated with all my questions. To makes matters worse I'm living alone in a brand new city where I dont know anyone, truth be told, I'm miserable!! Help, where do I go from here? How did everyone else feel after they'd spent a month where they are now?
Sorry for the moan lol any advice is very, very welcome!


I haven't started mine yet, but to avoid spending 3 years getting mixed messages from 2 different supervisors, you should formally arrange meetings with the 2 of them present. This avoids you playing piggy in the middle.

It is also perfectly normal to feel unsettled at first. It's arguably worse for PhD students because there is only you doing what you are doing. The best course of action - say "Yes" to everything as the credit card advert goes (e.g. a drink down the pub and so on). You'll settle in, fear not!


Hi. Totally see you situation. First off I would put together a document of everything you know and have so far. This will be something productive. Then arrange your meetings. I suggest emailing both at the same time being firm and getting them to put their diaries together. Then think of a list of question. They can be as easy/obscure etc. as you like - as long as they meet what you want to know. At this point find out where you have office space etc. etc. and move in - make it a space you want to work in. I suggest in this instance GET BUSY! This is not a criticism - far from it. Words of encouragment - as Sylvester points out say "yes" to everything (within reason of course). Chin up! You are not alone!!!!!


I would agree with the others - get in with the socialising and don't worry too much about the work. It'll fall into place eventually. People don't really expect much in the first few months as you settle down into working and getting to know your subject area. And if you stay at your desk long enough people will start talking to you.


also remember there is life outside the lab!! Join some university societies where you can meet non phd people or phd people that aren't in your department. Its scary I know - but this time next year, yuo will be dishing out the same advise to other prospective first years. Good Luck. Read alot and get to grips with endnote and USE IT!!! use this time to start some sort of filing system for yuor papers.... aghr this is all the stuff i shud have doen


driven2insanity, have you been at the pub?


nope but the bottle of red wine i have here is decreasing. i dont think i should write anymore of teh section i am on.......... Just have fun!


Tee hee.

May I ask what wine you are drinking? I am a bit of a wino myself.


workit - I know it must feel horrible right now, but hang in there. It really is early days and in a few months time you will feel so much better. These are really common teething problems - which probably isn't much comfort to hear when you feel all alone - but it will get better & you will have days in the future where you absolutely love, love, love what you do.
Does your uni have a reasearch training prog? When I began one of the best things I did was to go on short course on research methods and the PhD process. The content wasn't all that useful, but it was the meeting of other researchers which was the life line. Although everyone on the course was from different disciplines we all had the same hopes & fears, and it was good, well just to talk.



Just repeating what everyone said ..Its EARLY DAYS. So, first try not to be confused, the thing about getting more confused as you read more is common and it will be with you probably until you start the write up and you are normal in that way. Get to know other postgrads in the first few months and sort the supervisory meeting and admin stuff and the staff (these are important things as you never know when you will need them and the most important thing is that after about one year...I still feel the same as you must be PhD hormones..


Thank you all so much for your replies! I'm starting to feel a *little* better about things, but the gaps in my knowledge are really starting to show! Guess its a steep learning curve though, eh?
I feel a bit more at home in the department(s), just need to have the confidence to move forward with things!
I must say though, this forum never fails to put a smile on my face throughout the day, thanks!!


You just can't beat it can you - a heady mix of topical debate, PhD advice and comedy threads. An essential part of a PhD's students day.

Everybody salute the POSTGRAD FORUM !!