One more EndNote question. (H, are you around today?)


It is about citations again. I set EndNote to put (Author Year) only when citing. But when I want to add a page number (not alway, only when I get a direct quote) Microsoft Word deletes the page number and brings it back to Author-Year in brackets. Any suggestions?



make sure you have the ouput style set to show page numbers (edit, output style, citations, templates, and if it only shows (author, date) then insert citation: cited pages).


put page no.s in 'suffix' box not 'page no' box.

I do later as it seems to give more flexibility for formating (e.g. when i want to refer to chapter rather than page, or several sep pages or para no.s etc)

hope this works!


sorry, my brain is not functioning well today. Considering I prefer the flexibility you suggested, I won't set the ouput style to show page numbers.

But when I add as suffix in Microsoft word, it automatically gets re-formatted to author-year. I'll read the help pages again, maybe I am misunderstanding.

and thanks by the way


aliby, please ignore my previous message. It worked. I was putting the # so it was deleting it. Thanks so much


are you actually editing the citation using endnote (via endnote tool bar in word)? i mean, rather than just trying to type in a page number in word, because the latter wont work as it doesnt add it to the endnote ref.


OK, crossed threads!
glad it is working


Guys's i still can't add page numbers onto Endnote, can someone help me. I followed the instructions till the suffix part, but i can't get the page number to replace the existing one


jojo, I think if the existing page number is one that has been entered into the reference in the Endnote library then it cannot be changed. Are you trying to edit with Word or Endnote? you need to do it in endnote: click on the citattion, then right click on it and selected Edit citation. Then enter your page number in suffix (eg, p.10) then ok.
I don't think you can actually Edit the information that has been entered as part of the record just amend what you already have....mmmmm not sure that made sense at all????


i was using word, let me try editing from endnote.


jojo make sure you use the endnote toolbar in word not actually endnote itself x


Heres the End note link:
Sure that is better than my explanation!!!


ooppsss wrong link try this:


the easiest way is when writing ( in unformat citation mode) put a comma after the reference number, like this:

{Wilson, 2000 #159, p.404}

then when you will format citations it will appear like this (Wilson, 2000, p.404)


thanks guys, i'll be getting back to you this evening telling you whether its working. currently typing away - am formatting my biblio in the evening for submission tomorrow.


i also write in "unformatted". however i would advise not using ", p. 104" but "@104". the difference is, as far as endnote is concerned, the former is a suffix, while the latter is a page number. that means, if you ever need to change the output style of your page numbers (for example, from (blabla 2003, p. 62) to (blabla 2003:62)) you can do it with a couple of clicks if endnote already understands that it is a page number, but not if it is a suffix - then you will have to go through every citation individually to change it. also it is faster to type and will automatically do things like pp. instead of p. for multiple pages.