PhD; 2:1 entry requirements a must!!!


I have a few PhDs I want to apply for, and they both say applicants must hold or expect to hold a 2:1 first degree

They also mention anyone also holding a Masters Degree as an extra

Surely this is discrimation not everyone has a 2:1 (I myself a 2:2 and a masters), would it be worth actually filling in the form and applying! (when they'll just say "no 2:1, move on next student")

I thought a masters would give you edge or at least hopefully an interview so you can prove you can do a PhD?

just checking if people have encountered similar situations?

Many Thanks


You could have 10 masters degrees, a kindergarten graduation certificate and 2 dolla' and a biscuit and you still wouldn't score a PhD project if you performed below standard required.


Yeah but regarding the first degree?


By the way it doesn't hurt to try an application. Call the potential supervisors, talk with them, make your presence known. See if they'll let you come around and show you around the lab, meet the lab group etc, build a rapport.


What do you mean the first degree?


most of the PhD adverts I have seen, mention the grade 2:1?

but not everyone has a 2:1!


If you were the supervisor looking for a PhD student, wouldn't you want the best?

But like I said, make contact with them and build a rapport. It never hurts to try.


The entry requirments are quite often based upon the funding bodies requirements, if you are self funded you may be able to get away with a 2.2 on your first degree, like Rouge said contact the potential sup.

In respect to masters the general rule of thumb is that a good masters grade pushes up your orignal degree result by one class in the eyes of the research councils. I.E 2.2 + Masters Distinction would most likely meet the 2.1 requirment.

Hope that helps!


oh man "rouge" makes me sound like a French can-can dancer.


'Surely this is discrimination, not everyone has a 2:1'.

Hilarious. Quite literally.


golfpro - I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that same way.


Discrimination (in the legal sense of the word) implies unequal and unjust treatment. As a degree mark is thought by most to be an indicator of academic ability, it is not unjust to select on this basis. Thus it is not discrimination from a legal perspective.

Of course from a semantic viewpoint, ANY method of selection is discrimination, as the word is a synonym for "distinguishing between".


Note some universities (not all) will see a "distinction" award at Masters level as a sufficient indicator of academic ability, which may counterbalance a 2:2. Ordinarily a MSc/MA pass is not sufficient.