PhD and Sleeping disorders


Hi guys
this is my first time on this forum, although i'm a regular visitor. Does the PhD cause you sleeping disorders ??? I no longer enjoy anything even when I'm not doing work my mind is always engaged in the PhD, thinking of data, variables, statistics, methods, going back to literature.....ect. I suddenly find myself just going to write anything that crosses on my mind, or read something I remembered, check an article. My partner is annoyed. Simply she can't understand the pressure of PhD..PhD is a more a mental process than long hours of working in my leaves you with bad social life...what do you thin or am i exaggarating ? is what I am passing through normal..I'm now in my second year.


It's common but I wouldn't say it's normal - I think you are experiencing an extremem form. You should try to find time to do something else apart from the PhD - something you can actually enjoy and engage in. I know you will feel frustrated and guilty at first but it good for you - and for your relationship.


Hmm - thinking about this. I swing from one extreme to the other in cycles. Obsessive - every minute thinking/scribbling whatever, then apathetic, demotivated and disinterested (feeling more like that just now!).


The key is distraction- I find it particularly bad at night - waking up in the early hours with my brain trying to process something

My way out is to put the simpsons on

anything to stop my brain thinkin

It depends what stage you are at - I'm in the last few weeks of writing up and it feels like you can't get away from it - constantly thinking about it - key point is to know that it'll end at some point

try taking a break

P.s. your partner and friends will never understand - only others who have done it will - the sad facts i'm afraid


I think the process of a PhD can cause sleep disorders. Not been chipping away at mine too long but, bugger me, it's a demanding sod and enveloper of my life. Mustn't complain though, the reason for a sleep disorder could be a really unsatisfying job, noisy neighbours or even a sleep disorder inducing disease of great mystery and no cure. Now must get back to sleep...


I have terrible trouble sleeping, at times of stress its even worse. I was awake for 2 days after my mock viva, I think I took such a kicking I was in shock. Or just afraid if I let my gaurd down someone would start asking akward questions again.

I suppose I'm lucky, my girlfriend has only ever known me while I was doing the PhD. As far as she's concerned stressed to the point of cracking up is normal!



I think it's important to have a life outside your PhD.

If you are having problems sleeping, try some exercise to relax you and tire you. Swimming is great, I find it really calming.


Hmm. I have had trouble sleeping - thoughts just going round & round. Now, I often take Melatonin to help myself drop off. Very good, natural supplement that induces sleep hormones, and also effective in combatting the winter blues. It does give you very bizarre vivid dreams, though. I highly recommend it, but I think you can only get it in the States.


Who is in it for an all nighter?? Just had two double espressos, extra strong. So I don't have a choice rather than writing on it all night because even if I went to bed I would be up until 5am.

Let's do it once again.


Nobody out here tonight? Arggh, I need to know that I'm not the only poor soul having to work on this tonight. My fellow non-European friends, of course you're living in a different time zone..


Guys, it's an inner struggle. I need to constantly motivate myself to go the extra mile. What helps me sometimes is this youtube video:

Watch it, and you'll be able to fight all night


I wish! After watching that Rocky clip I want to go out and look for some drunken thugs I can beat up like some vigilante (hopefully in the process of beating up a granny so I have a valid excuse) and/or watch Rocky 1,2,3,4 (not 5 cos it was crap) and 6 back to back. Damn!