PHD in Housing or Not


Hello Someone,

I wonder if you can answer my question on PHD.
Is there a PHD that I can do with my MA degree in Housing Studies? My Thesis was on supported housing. My first degree is BA English studies (3rd Class). I noticed from some information that I gathered - funding is offered to those with 2(1)honours. Can I get funding with my degree? Again , is there room for self funding, P/T PHD , Online/ Distance learning. What is lifelong learning PHD?


The answer to these questions depends on where you want to study (most universities allow part-time PhD study, self-funding, but not usually online/distance learning). You might be wise to ask your tutors on your MA course about PhD opportunities in your field, they will point you in the right direction.

A third class degree will be a disadvantage, but how did you perform in your MA/did you get a distinction in your thesis? An excellent grade in your MA will go a long way to offset a poor performance at UG level.