PhD Interview - what do I wear???


This is my first PhD interview and I'm wondering if I should wear a suit or not? What do you guys think?

Nic x

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Yes wear a suit. It will make a good impression and will show that you are serious about the postition you are being interviewed for.


I would suggest smart-casual, unless you are very comfortable in suits. Its stressful enough without worrying about being uncomfortable in a suit.

Where are you applying and to do what?

I went smart casual to one of my interviews, and for the interview at my undergaduate i went straight from the gym! I think each department is different in its norms. I got ESRC funding from both!

So the lesson her is its what you say, not what you look like that really matters, but still, don't go looking like a tramp, noone wants that.

BTW you could always drop your potential supervisor a quick email, they'll know what the interviewers are likely to respond to.

Best of luck.


Search the forum archives for lots of opinions, this question comes up a lot! Good luck with the interview


From a male point of view, I've always worn a suit for interviews. I can see why smart casual - maybe a shirt open at the neck with smart trousers and shoes would be preferable if you don't like wearing a suit, but I really do. In fact, interviews are a good excuse to wear one! Does this make me strange?


Awww, no Matthew, it makes you smart. Let's be honest, all men can look delicious in suits...


something sparkly


I had a PhD interview last summer, it was very hot at the time and I wore a skirt and fairly casual short sleeved top with a collar (not quite a shirt but almost if that makes any sense!). They interviewed three of us, one of the guys turned up in a smart suit and the third in combat trousers, walking boots and a t shirt. I wish i could finish this off by saying who got the PhD, but all i know is that I didn't! they didn't seem bothered by what any of us were wearing.

ps good luck in the interview, I've got one next week too. getting nervous.