PhD Lecturing jobs


What to do after I leave! Well if my PhD doesn't kill every creative bone in my body or numb stone dead my interest in my topic then I'd like to lecture...
Does anyone know where the best place to find academic jobs in the UK and USA is?

Oh and what would you all like to do post doctoral?


i'm on several subject-specific mailinglists where mainly job ads are posted, so i'm always aware of what kind of jobs are going, and where, and what qualifications (other than the PhD itself) are sought.

what i intend to do post-doc? well first of all i need to get there (ca. 20 months to go...). i'd like to teach, but without any essay-marking please. and i really want to keep doing research. so i will be applying for both post-doc research grants/fellowships, and lecturer positions. if i still feel the same by then.