PhD Students - Why is their grammar so poor?


any man that denies it is a liar


Dear Stu, I deny that you're a W****r, but I'm a liar.


I suppose I had that coming!!



I have seen other threads complaining about this issue and enough is enough. Posting in this forum is something we do for leisure. I don't expect people to double check everything I write. If you are interested in proof-reading, let me know and I will send you my thesis! Everyone who has half a brain knows what people are trying to say in threads.

If I accidentally write something like "I’m form London", I doubt people suddenly think that I formed London.

At least Lynne Truss made a dime or two ranting on and on and on about it's/its/its'. What is your excuse? Do you actually think you are better than someone else in this forum just because you happen to take your time to type properly one finger at a time? It doesn’t mean you are better in English. It just means you are still in literature review mode and need to relax.


well put what2donext, I agree with you completely.