PhD terminated after my 1st year Viva!


I do agree with MistaG. and you are not the first one. good it happened just one year after you atarted. I know one ph.d student who was unfairly kiked out also because of his supervisor. now he got his ph.d and also a job position in the same area. it will be fine.


Hi Ophicus - are you still about? I have just found this thread and wanted to add some words of support. I have been through almost exactly what you have been through and, like you, I lodged a formal complaint and took it all the way to the OIA and, unfortunately, lost. That was three years ago. I thought my phd opportunities were dead and buried and was so desperate to do one that I considerd selling my house and self-funding. Last month I got awarded a prestigious, wellpaid scholarship in the same field so it can be done but the last three years have been emotional hell. If you need to talk then please PM me. I am sure that the nice guys who run this site would pass on your details if a direct pm is unavailable. For obvious reasons I am not leaving my name/details on this site!