Pre PGCE Observation


I'm applying for PGCE's starting in September and need a couple of weeks lesson observation in a comprehensive. How do I approach schools? Do I just e-mail them politely or write?


Hi Mothy

Originally I was going to do teaching but then didn't. However, I did go through the process of organising my school before I had a change of mind. I later did my PhD pilot in two schools. My experience was that it is difficult (but not impossible). However, you have to follow your initial request up. One email or telephone call is usually not enough.

You could email and then follow up with a phone call two days later. However, if all you can get is an 'info @...' email address I wouldn't do this. I would probably telephone first and ask the school secretary whom to contact to ask about your observation. The risk you run with this is that 'she' (probably a 'she') may tell you school too busy etc etc. However if you do get a personalised email I would go with that approach but then def follow it up in two or three days time. Doing it this way round means that you can start the converstion off by mentioning your email. A letter, while certainly the personal touch, runs the risk of sitting untouched on somebody's very busy desk. At least with an email the person can just click 'reply'.

From my experience you have to be tenacious, yet polite. I contacted loads of schools before I got my teaching practice organised. The one I was successful in told me that people contact them way before they are officially supposed to. So get in there early and don't assume that silence means they have no place. It could, and very likely does mean they are very busy.

Good luck
