Predoctoral FELLOWSHIP applications - failed grade


======= Date Modified 18 05 2010 21:05:51 =======
Hello! :-)

I am a fresh second year PhD student IN THE STATES. I have a question regarding pre-doctoral fellowship applications. I have passed all my first year classes (YAY!) but have failed ONE one-credit seminar course. It's attendance-based course where you go and basically have a department-wide "lab mtg." They failed a bunch of people based on lack of attendance, but REGARDLESS I have a one-credit FAIL on my transcript.

Does this matter a lot?

Should I scrap all plans for fellowship applications? :-(

I have talked to a few people and it seems that the NSF might be now out of my reach (like it ever was, ha!) but I may be fine for NIH F31 and DoD NDSEG.

If you have any information regarding this, please please please reply! Thank you very much!!


Sorry mate, but this is primarily a British forum. You may have better luck at the PhD Comics forum -


it shouldn't be a problem. just work on the rest. your final grade and your performance at the interview is what determines whether you get a postdoc. all the best!

Slizor - where does it say it's a primarily British forum? Just because you don't understand something does not mean that its not British.


Quote From jojo:

Slizor - where does it say it's a primarily British forum? Just because you don't understand something does not mean that its not British.

It doesn't say it's primarily a British forum; that is my characterisation of it on the basis of my experience and the fact that the organisation that runs it is based in Sheffeld.

My saying that his query did not relate to the British system was based on his view that he could get DoD, rather than MoD, funding.


You are right, very perceptive! I AM in the States. I have edited my original post to reflect this.


You are right, very perceptive! I AM in the States. I have edited my original post to reflect this.


======= Date Modified 20 Aug 2010 13:11:54 =======
Patches - you're very dump! how is that helping? I can see why Slizor directed you to phdcomics!