pregnant - can they sack me


I am four month in my PhD and now I am pregnant and I really don't know what to do!!!!!!!!! My supervisors are both male and to tell them that I will not be allowed to do any of the lab work anymore won't be appreciated. I am so scared - can they sack me? Any advise?



I would be surprised if they can fire you. That would be against the law, surely? At my uni, PhD students can stop their candidature and scholarship to have a baby, just the same as other employees can. I think the limit is 1 year, but I may be wrong. A friend of mine got pregnant while she was doing her PhD, worked until just before the baby was due (interesting being 8 months pregnant with a labcoat on!), had a few months off after the baby was born, then came back to the lab part-time until she was ready to go full-time again. No dramas.

Obviously if you can't do any work while pregnant, that is another problem all together. Is there really nothing you can do on your project while pregnant?


Write an extensive literature review? I haven't spoken with the health and savety person yet but there are some ansty chemichals and tehy are not exactly healthy in the best of circumstances.
Good to hear that other people managed it gives me hope


Firstly, congratulations on your pregnancy Secondly, don't panic re: your PhD! Plenty of women have babies during a PhD, it's not the easiest time but frankly, there isn't an easy time to have a child! Regarding your lab work, you may find (after careful risk assessment, which the Uni will be duty-bound to perform for you) that you can still continue to do some (excluding radioactive/mutagenic/carcinogenic/teratogenic compounds of course). Alternatively, it may be possible (resources allowing) for you to have some technician time i.e. you would design experiments and tech would follow your instructions. Of course, there is also the option for you to concentrate on office based parts of your PhD, literature review and/or trying to publish your lit review. It is also possible, if you wish, to suspend your registration for a period of time.


So there are lots of options available for you. Don't be scared about talking to your supervisors, they are highly unlikely to show dismay (even if they might feel a slight amount!) as that's simply not acceptable in this day and age. Good luck!




Congrats on the baby.

I don't think they can sack you, but know that they can pile on emotional pressure/ be manipulative if they are that way inclined. I personally know of someone who is a post doc now, who was pregnant during the later stages of her PhD. She was told that she was free to take as much time as you want, but we WILL have to take your name off the paper she had mostly written, and that they may not have a desk for her when she comes back (because of space issues).

However, having a baby can give you a sense of perspective whilst doing a PhD, when you realise that your thesis isnt really the to-be-and-end-of compared to your child. This perspective is a HUGE strength.


Awww congrats oz!

Guess no one knows what they will say until you go and tell them!

Good luck


congratulations! The most likely thing is that you might have (or might have be asked to have) a gap year. But ask them.


good luck with it all, oz. remember that women are strong!



Congrats! First go and have a good look at your contract of PhD if you get funded and then see what rules they have regarding maternity and taking time off etc. Gather your notes from these, or maybe if you have a good student service or graduate school someone might talk to you about these rules and guidelines. Then after doing this bit of work, remember everything and just drop the news at a meeting with all your supervisors. Its nothing to feel guilty about or feel bad about, just give them a chance to take it in and after the initial shock is over, try to explain a plan of study during pregnancy, as someone said do an extensive lit. review etc.
Main thing is confidence and show them that you have made alternative arrangements for things you would not be able to do or give up during next 5-6 months. Although not a good option, you could take a suspension from work for 6 months. Good luck!


Babies rock!!!!


thank you everyone! i cannot get the smile of my face


i think if you announce it to them in a relax/happy way, as opposed to saying 'sorry...but' and appear scared of their reaction...that may help their reaction. they have to see it as a baby! not as a problem.


Puh, I have done it! And I still have my head between my shoulders
I was really worreid but actually it wasn't as bad as I thought. Thank you for all your good wishes!