Proposals and universities



I hope some of you may be able to give me some advice.

Last year, I wrote a PhD proposal (in humanities) with my potential supervisor and it's at the place where I did my Bachelor's and am now doing Master's. Since writing it, I have realised that I don't want to stay at the same place to do my PhD as well. I'm interested in going to another (better) university with a more experienced supervisor, but I'm taking the proposal with me. I don't think the supervisor I wrote it with is too happy, to say the least. She seems quite disappointed that I'm not staying.

Do you think it's ok to do this?


Of course, not.

On the other hand, who cares if she's happy or not.

Still, be careful. What if your application at another institution fails due to fierce competition?


I agree with MistaG, sorry I mean ULUG.

Is the proposal based on her work?


I'd presume that she has at least equal rights over the joint proposal. That, plus the fact that I reckon it'd be easier for her to find funding than for you to (because of her standing) may make things quite hard for you. But if you really don't want to stay, then go and give it a try. Better than giving up...


MistaG? Who is that?


It's ok ULUG, your secret is safe with us...


It depends on what input your first supervisor had - it if was a significant contribution to the 'original' aspect of your work then I could see why she would be extremely upset


Thanks for your opinions. It not based on her own research and I can see what you mean about funding too. Decisions, decisions! I was going to leave the door open and see what happens, then I can always stay if it doesn't work out.

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Anything you would like to tell us MistaG?


If yes, please ban MistaG and me.

We are guilty and have a split personality.

We are like twin brothers, quite often having the same opinions, but sometimes we disagree with each other...


..and ULUG.


ULUG, are you by any chance related to the 10 angry african women in a caravan with only 500 Euros between all of them?

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MistaG, we're not going to ban you for no reason. Yes - it's in the Forum rules that you can't have multiple usernames, so please let us know which account you would like removed. If you would really like us to remove both accounts we can do so.


Just to confirm this.

I'd still like to know, how did you find out H and PGFT?

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Well, we just read it on here...