Pursuing Astrophysics after graduating in Chemistry


Turns out the deadline is the 30th of may, but it might be available again next year. I wish I could have applied for it, but I'm not a chemist.


Thanks for the suggestions. I have considered astrochemistry before, but for me, the current pathway is get up to graduate level ability in physics & maths - a tough nut to crack but I am working on it - whether I learn formally or not, the thing that I feel will get me through the door to astrophysics is not necessarily an honours degree in physics, but simply being able to prove that I have an adequate founding in physics and math - a lot of work lies ahead!


I'm also considering self-studying the Cambridge Mathematical Tripos I and perhaps II.


Hi there

I don't know if you are aware, but some places offer astrochemistry phds. I can't remember which university i saw them on, but I have been searching for phd and masters places using the 2001 RAE and looking at the individual websites of universities rated 5 & 5*. there's only about 20 of them so it shouldn't take you more than a few years good luck xx