Read a good (nonPhD related) book lately?


Try reading 'Lonesome George' - it is a great read about a variation of a Galapagos Island tortoise who seems to be the last of his type. It is a fascinating jbook and well reccomended...


'Three men in a boat (to say nothing of the dog)' by JK Jerome. It goes slowly, but only a page or two can make my day, so I'm not in a hurry to finish it :]


Those all sound like very interesting books. What is "Bringing Down the House" about?


its about a group of MIT students who took las Vegus for Millions by card counting. i think they are banned from pretty much every casino in the united states now.
interesting story, i hears its being made into a moive


For rbj203:
Bringing Down the House (Book)
If you want more info about what Bringing down the house is all about, just Google it, pick your choice...Wikipedia has some fantastic details, thanks to Google, I swear by it for most things


I'm reading "Pillars of the earth" by Ken Follet. Quality cheese, but the work ethic of the monks makes me feel guilty for reading a novel and not some paper!


The People's Republic of desire by Annie Wang


There's no tv reception here. It sucks because I have to depend on the net if I don't go out, which I can't much as I have exams in a few weeks time. I don't even have the time to read fictional books..just textbooks....