Read this for free soya bacon


Hehe, sorry for drawing you all in to this thread in such a Machiavellian way but I'm a bit stuck and was wondering if anyone could recommend a good book for performing structural equation modelling. The emphasis definitely needs to be on the practical aspects, explained as simply as possible, as it's a dirty thing that I intend to do once and never again! If anyone can recommend such a book, I'd really appreciate your input. :-)


Just wiki'd it- have fun with that one!! I am a statistician, but have never come across SEM before. I can't recommend any books It dosn't seem completely hopeless, am sure you will manage it!


Damn you! I want my free food!



i went to a lecture on this a couple of months ago by mark shevlin at belfast. he said the seminal book on this really is:

Bollen, K.A. 1989. Structural equations with latent variables. Wiley-Interscience

so that might be worth a look at.

also just found this list for you:

have lots of fun!



a forum on soya bacon!


Cheers A116 for your help, I'll give those a gander and I'll see if my library can get me that main book through inter-library loans. Oh and Aloha, cheers for the soya bacon forum, but I only eat the real stuff - it's by far enough. Crispy and tasty, not pallid and flaky.