Residency requirements (specifically for Swiss PhDs)


Hi. I'm looking to apply for a (humanities) PhD at a Swiss uni. I'm a British national but will be living in German as a full-time resident (exact nature of this residency stil tbd). Does anyone know if there are residency requirements for undertaking a PhD, or is it more whether you can be sufficiently present to be successful?

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I don't know about Swiss PhDs but in the UK PhD advertisements usually include nationality requirements. So if you look at the PhD opportunities they might tell you if your eligible. Generally, PhDs are open to all international candidates unless there is a restriction with the funding.


Thank you! Do they normally insist you live locally or is that up for discussion? It’s humanities so no lab access needed

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Pre-COVID, I knew of someone who visited the campus for the first time in her third year. She had worked from home the entire time and only came to the campus for a student conference. So I would assume that you can work remotely and Zoom call your supervisor. However, it can vary a lot depending on the supervisor, university and the funding situation. I think you should apply as normal and ask at the first opportunity.

If you are asking if you need a Swiss address for the during the PhD, I have no idea.


Very helpful-thank you!!