should I go?


Lined up to go to a conference (abroad) tomorrow. Presentation prepared, everything booked. And I'm not feeling well...
Don't know whether to go on the basis I might be better, or withdraw on basis I might get worse. Have been in hospital with this a couple of times this year already, so thought of being on my own abroad if it gets worse is not nice.
Anybody any experience? how is my supervisor likely to react if I don't go? Or the conf. organisers? Will I get a 'black mark' for future events? Or am I just being a wimp, and should go and hope it's ok.


Well, if you're not well, you're not well and shouldn't travel. Flying is not going to make things any better. Also, there's nowt worse than being ill abroad and the prospect of a hospital visit is not ideal. I assume you're insured?

Depends on how you feel, but I'm sure your supervisor would understand if you were not fit to go.

BTW, where is it? Shall I go in you place?


I agree with the others, contact them asap to let them know you wont be coming. Your health is the most important thing you have and you don't want to take risks.


Poor thing. Only you can really tell how bad you feel or not, but don't go if you don't feel up to it. By the sounds of things your are properly poorly, what with hospital trips. Its not as if you have a bit of a headache or a cold & are being lame .
Just apologize at the earliest - being professional & polite goes a long way, and I am sure they will all understand.
If you have been accepted to this conference then your work is obviously up to scratch & you'll get another one. Get better. x


Yep get well soon


Sorry to hear this. A PhD is totally not worth getting ill over! If you really feel unwell then don't go to the conference and let all organisers etc. know as soon as possible. However if you think this is a way for you to get out of doing the presentation then FIGHT IT! One of the best things we do as PhD students is tell people about our work and then get feedback. Feeling after presentation is great - you can feel totally empowered! If you really don't feel well. Don't go.


if u really feel bad then don't go... maybe try and find a replacement?


don't go


Thanks everyone. You're all making sense. and thanks for good wishes too!
Really frustrating as I've done the hard work - got paper accepted, prepared everything, got department to agree to me going. And this is my 'one international conference'. And chance to catch up with mates from other unis.
But deep down know that going like I feel at the mo wouldnt be a good idea.
Will leave it till morning in case of overnight miracle, then get in touch with organisers as suggested.
thanks again for the advice, hard to think straight when you're feeling rubbish.