Should I or not?


I am 31 and in the middle of my career. I have a job (nice one) and job market is not bad either. Some something within me wants me to go for PhD. I am just wondering if its worth it? Is it worth the time and energy? I am sure I will derive lots of satisfaction but I am confused


Should not


Have you thought about a part-time PhD? Are you in the type of job where this may be an option?


Ann, Mick - Thanks for your reply.

Well. Part time PhD is not an option because I travel Monday through Friday. So the only way I pursue an advanced degree is by leaving my job.

Mick -- What was your reasoning behind "Should Not". Please do let me know


Well since you are already in employment I think it is better to continue rather than try for a PhD unless you want a change to the academia. Th effort involved is not worth it if you are already in employment


The other big issue is, can you at 31 afford to live on a studentship? That's why I suggested the part-time option. I wondered whether you were in the type of work where your employees might be prepared to sponsor you to do a PhD part-time (a long shot, I know).


Sorry, I do of course mean employers, not employees! ;o)


why u did not give correct information about u r carrier


i wouldn't bother. it will take ages and won't add to your salary at the end of it. focus on getting experience to get better jobs.


Think about the reasons why you want to do a PhD very carefully to make sure you would be doing it for the right reasons. If you really want a career in research and are prepared for 3 or 4 years very hard work on a fairly low income, then go for it! :o)


I'm in the same situation 30 yr old, working in industry and something within me want me to go for PHD .. I think I am going to do it next year


I know lots of people who decided to start a PhD in their 30s. They all decided to do it for different reasons (one wanted to further her career another on wanted a change of career). I don't think any of them regreted their decision even though it is hard work. If you feel like you'll regret not doing it in the future then go for it, otherwise you'll always be wondering what if.


Ok, I know this sentence is a bit old and wore down, but: You don't regret the things you do in life - you regret the ones you don't do.
Do you want to turn 50 thinking about that PhD you never got around to?


of course people regret things they have done in life!


I am debating about the same situation. I am 30 and thinking very seriously about the PHD option. I know it will be a lot of work, but I think that is worth it.